Sunday, April 25, 2010

Jooiiin Uuuusss...

Rehearsal ran late tonight, but as the show seems to be really coming together, it was worth it. Bob's mom must be killing herself for our costumes. She already had the first round of alterations done on my dress, and with the exception of one section being too tight, they were spot on. Keep in mind that I first tried on the dress at our last rehearsal, Bob was the only one to see me in it, and no measurements were taken. Theresa is an incredible seamstress. Period.

I saw what I think will be the final version of our program. The Geeb is going to smack me. I'm looking forward to it.

If you're wondering what the title of tonight's post has to do with anything I've just written, it doesn't. In an effort to assist Ricky in his quest to bring Karl Pilkington worldwide harassment, I am unveiling a line of Kult Pilkington products to help saturate the world with knowledge of the man with a head like a fucking orange. Wear your t-shirts and thongs proudly, and whenever someone looks at you as if you just evolved from a mermaid, gently sit them down and spread the Word of Karl.

Since I'm in a silly mood tonight--shut up, I do so have other moods--let's hit the Free Love Freeway.

And now for some wisdom:
"Things may come to those who wait, but only things left by those who hustle." ~Abraham Lincoln


GutterBall said...

Oh, my God, you can even get it on a bib. Catch 'em young, like the cigarette companies.

*facepalms repeatedly*

Word verification: aphydra. Possible new character name for that tenth-level dual-class song mage/barbarian berserker you rolled in your latest D&D campaign?

Pesh said...

Actually, I just sneezed. ^_^

Pesh said...

Do you think the design works? Edy was looking over my shoulder telling me it looked stupid, so we fought over it until we landed with what you see in the shop. My original idea was for "Kult Pilkington" across the top with an orange spot beneath it. Edy kept saying the words needed to be at the bottom and the spot needed to be bigger. I was envisioning more of a creepy-culty orange-ish-sized thing.

GutterBall said...

Oh, I think you've landed creepy-culty. Not sure it's orangish-sized, but seriously. Karl's head is bigger than an orange, if comprised of the same shape.

Trust me. It works. *snerk*

Word verification: hercater. Aphydra's paladin/necromancer cousin from the South. Or what happens when your hick brother runs over a deer.

Get it? It's like Jeff Foxwothy's "redneck words".

Pesh said...


...maybe I should send Ricky a thong....

*ponders as she goes to find a place to host the new banner*