Tonight was our first night off book. What a night. We started off well, then someone missed a line and it all went to hell. Who kicked off the fuck-around, you ask? Why, who else? Duh Pesh Mode! Duh Pesh Mode strikes swift and deep. There are no survivors. If someone tells you about the destruction and carnage caused by Duh Pesh Mode, slap him. He's a damned liar. If he'd been there, he'd be dead. If he continues to insist his story is factual, kill him quickly. He's a zombie. Go ahead. Check. I'll wait.
He was reaching for your head when you looked, wasn't he? See why you should always keep blunt objects handy? You never know when you're going to have to smack the bitch out of a damned, lying zombie who only thinks he was cool enough to survive an encounter with Duh Pesh Mode.
Make sure you leave a koala next to that mess.
Speaking of messes, Geeb finally got to work on the set tonight! Yea! Villagers rejoice!
I said rejoice, dammit!
That's better.
The backdrop is looking fantastic. It's all mountainy and hilly and bluey.... ^__^
She really is justified in calling herself a painter. I'll have to be sure to find a way to set it all on fire tomorrow.
I was going to be lazy and just post a link to this song because Ricky linked to a Simple Minds song that I'd never heard before on his blog tonight. I thought, hmm, they have a song I'm familiar with, what the hell was it? So, I found it, and what do you know? It's the main tune from The Breakfast Club, the only Molly Ringwald movie I've ever really seen. Poor Bob was near smacking me tonight for my lack of Molly Ringwald movie viewing. It's a wonder I can call myself a child of the eighties with such a gap in my pop culture experience. The sad thing is, Bob wasn't even thought of until the nineties. And lo, this entry has come full circle...jerk. ^__^
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
7 months ago
Yes. I read the whole post. That's all I got. Zombies!
Good. That was the only point. Duh. *snerk*
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