Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Speedy Blog!

It's already late, so I'm going to ramble quickly. Not that it matters to you. You won't be reading this entry any faster than the others. Oh dear. I seem to have undermined my efforts already. Fuck it then.

I got my dress tonight! When I arrived, the lovely Bob dragged me away to the dressing room to try on a gold and black number her mother found in the loft. It was a little tight in the petticoat and a little loose in the dress, but I'm very pleased with it. I get to buy some shoes now.

On an even more exciting note, the Geeb has her official cover art and page posted on the Samhain Publishing website! E-world, prepare yourself for the greatest novel you have ever read, My Gigolo: The Care and Feeding of a Male Prostitute. That's right. Come June, your mind, and maybe other things, will be blown--or at least tingly with some good laughs. Careful with the laughs though, you don't want to go past tingly and accidentally pee your brain. Not a hazard I recommend risking. Trust me. Once will be enough to learn your lesson for good.

In honor of the Geeb's upcoming romantic comedy, here's a lovely little love song, of which I am quite fond.

And your thought for the day is:

"Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there." ~Will Rogers


GutterBall said...

You silly little Pesh, you! *blushes* I don't think it'll be the best ever, but it will surely be the most pirate-golf-coursed romantic comedy ever.

Heh. Weird.

Oh, and I've honestly never heard that song before, but I like it a lot. Isn't it weird how something strikes you like that?

Pesh said...

That song is a frequent member of my writing playlist. Probably because I actually like love stories, unlike those weirdos that get paid to write them. >.<

GutterBall said...

Those who can, do. Those who can't, write about it in highly sarcastic terms. *snerk*